If I had a list over things I just don’t understand – at. all. I’m pretty sure this would be in the top half of it.


If I had a list over things I just don’t understand – at. all. I’m pretty sure this would be in the top half of it.

#stupidpeople #shit

6 Replies to “If I had a list over things I just don’t understand – at. all. I’m pretty sure this would be in the top half of it.”

  1. Eg opplever mykje hovudristende adferd kvar veke, alt mennesker får seg til å gjere. Har sett det meste i årenes løp så har sluttet å bli overasket/sjokkert..

  2. Yeah, Maybe. But just maybe – in this case the dog shit can is literally 20meters away -to top it off I ran into a diaper further up 😝

  3. I know some dog owners will hang their bag in a tree if the dog shits on the way up, and then take it with them when they pass on the way down. That way they don’t have to carry a bag of shit to the peak.

    Just for the record: I don’t have a dog…

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