#pubg scenery… 🤣
#pubg scenery… 🤣
PUBG update #21 with the new training mode now on PUBG Test servers
– first iteration of this map out next month.
“The PUBG Training Mode lets 5-20 players explore a brand new 2×2 km map and practice all aspects of PUBG, from driving the game’s various vehicles around the island’s race tracks, to practicing parachute landings on scattered targets, to mastering the perfect peek shot. There are even areas to practice vaulting, close-quarters combat, and of course, sweet vehicle jumps.”
-sounds like fun!
Oooh, new shiny things over at PUBG test servers
Finally live! \o/ #sanhok sanhok.playbattlegrounds.com
I’m pretty sure it’s possible that this will ruin some of my sleep schedule this weekend 😂
PUBG on sale on Steam from June 19th (later today!) through July 5th.
Wee, new stuff live on P.U.B.G test servers..
New weapon, a new car (looks like fun) and more, lets just hope they keep test servers live throughout the weekend…
#pubg #playerunknowns
Pew pew… for free
#pubg on mobile
Perfect spawn 😄