Just did the activate face recognition via VPN trick in Google photo (I’m late to the game, I know) and holy shit I…


Just did the activate face recognition via VPN trick in Google photo (I’m late to the game, I know) and holy shit I must say; I’m kinda impressed..

#googlephotos #tweet  

23 Replies to “Just did the activate face recognition via VPN trick in Google photo (I’m late to the game, I know) and holy shit I…”

  1. It’s said that the indexing part is already done, but I don’t know.. In the mean time you could play with search – it’s pretty impressive too. search for things like pizza, cars, people with sunglasses and so on.. Harald E. Westlie​

  2. nice! Didnt think of doing it this way.

    I got HMA PRO. Just forgot that I had it… :p

    No need to reinstall, just wipe the data in settings > General > application Manager. 

    But I guess I have to wait, huh… :/ Oki. I can wait, got 38K photos there. 

    I have to explore every Google app for hidden goodies now! 😀 

  3. I’m still kind of amazed, I have pics (some of them blurry and/or in a crowd) of my kids from years back and it matches it to pics taken today.

  4. yeah, delete app data is mandatory if I’m not mistaken Thomas Schulzki. It won’t touch the pics so it is safe to do so.

  5. OK, I’ll just wait and see – The setting is active both in app, and on web 🙂

    Tor Ivan Boine​ – Deleting the app-data before activating the VPN service made the option available for me…

  6. OK – I only got “Places”, “Things” and “Types” for now – it will probably have to work a while before they appear – there are a few k’s of photos to go through…

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